Things I can do instead of having a job

Obviously, I screwed up on Monday, but it made me realize that I'm unhappy in my current situation. Something needs to change. I had changed from a part-time job to a full-time job (which is the position I'm in now) in August. Unfortunately, neither position made me happy. So now I just need to find something that does make me happy. I've compiled a list, because lists are awesome.

  1. Be an unemployed bum. This, truthfully, is the most appealing of the options.
  2. Find another job that sucks the soul out of my body. This is the rational response to the situation.
  3. Take out a bunch of student loans and continue going to school even though I have no way of paying for it. This doesn't sound very sensible to me, but it's better than the other two options.
  4. Get married. Start having babies. Nothing says freedom like being a stay-at-home mother! (Well, okay, that's not entirely true. But at least I'd have something to keep me occupied all day and all night.)
  5. Get married to someone who already has a couple of wives. Takes less pressure off of me to have children, but I'd still have something to do.
  6. Yoga. All day, every day.
  7. Run from one coast of the United States to the other. Forrest Gump did it!
  8. Learn to cook. And clean. And be responsible. This is not appealing at all, but I need to do it at some point.
  9. Shower more frequently. Something tells me this isn't going to happen.
  10. Start working on my cat army. Kittens need jobs, too!
  11. Buy lots of hair accessories. Best idea yet, but you need money to do that. Phooey.
  12. Start blogging more. I like this idea. I need more practice anyway. There are only so many lists I could make.

I have a good start on what I'm going to do. Now I just need to do something. Bleh.


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