Obviously, I screwed up on Monday, but it made me realize that I'm unhappy in my current situation. Something needs to change. I had changed from a part-time job to a full-time job (which is the position I'm in now) in August. Unfortunately, neither position made me happy. So now I just need to find something that does make me happy. I've compiled a list, because lists are awesome.
- Be an unemployed bum. This, truthfully, is the most appealing of the options.
- Find another job that sucks the soul out of my body. This is the rational response to the situation.
- Take out a bunch of student loans and continue going to school even though I have no way of paying for it. This doesn't sound very sensible to me, but it's better than the other two options.
- Get married. Start having babies. Nothing says freedom like being a stay-at-home mother! (Well, okay, that's not entirely true. But at least I'd have something to keep me occupied all day and all night.)
- Get married to someone who already has a couple of wives. Takes less pressure off of me to have children, but I'd still have something to do.
- Yoga. All day, every day.
- Run from one coast of the United States to the other. Forrest Gump did it!
- Learn to cook. And clean. And be responsible. This is not appealing at all, but I need to do it at some point.
- Shower more frequently. Something tells me this isn't going to happen.
- Start working on my cat army. Kittens need jobs, too!
- Buy lots of hair accessories. Best idea yet, but you need money to do that. Phooey.
- Start blogging more. I like this idea. I need more practice anyway. There are only so many lists I could make.
I have a good start on what I'm going to do. Now I just need to do something. Bleh.